Proven to restore healthier skin from within, DMK enzyme therapy awakens the natural, enzymatic processes within the skin to detoxify and rebuild. When functioning properly, our natural enzymes support a firm tone, and a healthy supply of new skin cells, and assist in effectively removing toxins. But, as we age and after our skin suffers damage from excessive sun exposure, our skin’s naturally restorative equilibrium gradually becomes imbalanced.
Restore Your Skin’s Naturally Healthy Balance
By reactivating the youthful enzymes through DMK enzyme therapy, skin balance and harmony are restored. Since enzyme treatment targets both the superficial and deeper dermal layers, lasting cell rejuvenation and recovery processes produce longer-lasting benefits. Since our skin’s enzymatic support system plays an important role in many of our skin’s interconnected wellness functions, each DMK enzyme therapy in Central, PA produces progressive benefits, like:
- Clearer Skin: Through a process called reverse osmosis, toxins are effectively flushed out of the tissues. The treatment processes actively exfoliate, cleanse, and remove deeply embedded impurities, while simultaneously working to restore healthy blood circulation and immune function. In other words, with fewer toxins, healthier blood flow, and all-around happier skin cells, a naturally clear glow is the result.
- Restored Skin Integrity: The enzymatic processes also affect the production of collagen, and elastin, and stimulate muscular activity. After stimulating and reactivating these essential elements within our skin, skin tightens wrinkle-reduction, and recovery from sun damage and aging occurs.
- Improved Healing Potential: With each enzyme treatment, your skin’s restorative characteristics strengthen. Since the benefits last after the treatments are complete, your skin cells are better prepared to defend against toxins, sun damage, and other detrimental skin factors.
- Enhanced Skin Care Routines: Once impurities are removed and healthy function is restored, other beneficial care products work more effectively and recovery from other skin care interventions is accelerated. Quality moisturizers absorb better, wrinkle-reduction products work faster, and surgery scars and acne blemishes have the cellular support they need to begin repairing and resupplying healthy skin tissue.
Who Should Consider DMK Enzyme Therapy?
While anyone can benefit from renewed skin health with enzyme therapy sessions, we at Allyson Brittany Aesthetics highly recommend our healing services for those with sun damage, fine lines, and anyone searching for a safer solution to resolve acne scarring or other blemishes. Enzyme therapy is safe for all skin types, works in harmony with nearly every other skin care treatment plan, and is a non-invasive process for 100% pain-free treatments.
Performed in our comfortable spa atmosphere, the Allyson Brittany Aesthetics relaxing enzyme therapy sessions are similar to a traditional facial/body skincare visit. Depending on your skin care goals or the extent of skin damage, we often recommend multiple treatment sessions to achieve the longest-lasting clarity, tone, and tightness benefits.
However we can renew your youthful glow, texture, and tone, get in touch with our skin care experts and we’ll gladly teach you how we can heal, protect, and maintain your beautiful new aesthetic with a personalized plan of care. Contact us to schedule your DMK Enzyme treatment.